
Lisa Wilcox is back acting full time after raising her boys and married to corporate world for a couple decades. Born and raised in Missouri, she has performed in over 100 film, television, commercial and theatre productions. Lisa started her career in Equity Waiver theatre then completed her Bachelor of Arts degree at UCLA while also studying Grotowski. She has always been serious about exploring how to express a character to full believability and thus hopefully touch the audience indefinitely. For her, making this impression is all that matters. Though Lisa may be best known for Alice Johnson in “A Nightmare On Elm Street 4, The Dream Master” and N5, The Dream Child, the other characters she has played in her career run a full gamut – from nuns to prostitutes. Her agent quotes, “A true chameleon actress.” Let’s not also forget her role as Yuta on “Star Trek, The Next Generation.” Rather infamous as the “Assassin,” Yuta is a “property” on the Star Trek, The Next Generation Monopoly board.
Lisa recently completed “The Watcher of Park Avenue” and “The Quiet Room.” Her next projects include a feature film “The Possessed,” New Orleans 2017, “The French Symphony” and “The Man Who Loved Women.”